Monday, February 7, 2022

Corporate Social Responsibility: HOW TO FILL TAPESTRI ONLINE FORM

Corporate Social Responsibility: HOW TO FILL TAPESTRI ONLINE FORM:   HOW TO FILL TAPESTRI ONLINE FORM join/now/ideaworkshop Click the link, click message written in blue titled &...

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


Corporate Social Responsibility: TIPS FOR CREATING WEALTH EFFORTLESSLY: If you’re waiting to acquire capital to start your business and have not yet found, I intend to offer you some survival tips from a wealth...


If you’re waiting to acquire capital to start your business and have not yet found, I intend to offer you some survival tips from a wealth creation syndicate you may find useful. You may wish to know that I was in your situation some years back when I struggled to establish online business but had to wait for a while before I learned the principles of wealth creation that emphasises on leverage. The years I waited for capital accumulation, if I had found some sources of residual income I would have generated more capital than the sum I envisioned to grab AT ONCE. I had academic background, Graduate studies and business diplomas but strug-gled to find how to turn them into money-making strategies, until I was taught the practical ways to make money other than the ways I was taught at schools. I want to start by showing you how to start a wealth creation adventure without employing capital or staff until you’re ready. Assuming that you just turned 18 years old looking for how to start life as an adult with finding a job as priority. You may or may not find one, but you owe yourself an obligation to figure out a survival strategy. Those who find a job usually work for 40 years and retire av-erage or poor. But work and retirement is gradually becoming old fashioned. If you couldn’t work in the 40 years but Downloaded TAPESTRI Apps, barring all odds you would have earned $12,000 residual income. How? Connect that pays at least $25 month-ly to your Android/iPhone without any financial involvement, because the pro-cess is free. Note the equivalent of $25 is payable in the currency of the country of download. In Nigeria for instance, the value translates to at least N10,000 monthly without working Go further with free sites that pay residual income. This one is called After free download of this App, go ahead to connect with your regular FB/Instagram and other social media friends, as you chat and exchange information, especially money-making ideas floating online, you ac-cumulate crypto currency in your wallet. It grows exponentially as your network of friends expands with their own connected friends too. No special skills re-quired; no barrier, anyone can. I believe the purpose of this write-up which is to guide/help new-bies how the amazing CSR of TAPESTRI and PUNKPANDA can transform idle jobless lives of the youth and unemployed individuals dreaming to start their own businesses has been achieved. Thanks for your time. There are more tips coming in the consequent editions. Please stay tuned. Connect Corporate Attorney/Consultant IKECHUKWU O. ODOEMELAM & CO ozemena books COMPANY SECRETARIES HANDBOOK MEETINGS: Dynamics and Legality

Friday, January 28, 2022

Corporate Social Responsibility: HOW TO FILL TAPESTRI ONLINE FORM

Corporate Social Responsibility: HOW TO FILL TAPESTRI ONLINE FORM:   HOW TO FILL TAPESTRI ONLINE FORM join/now/ideaworkshop Click the link, click message written in blue titled &...

Friday, January 14, 2022




Click the link, click message written in blue titled "Allow"; fill the details. If John is your first name, add your surname and username cd be Paddy. Your phone number should be preceded by 234 e.g 2348012345678 then email must match. 
Password must contain 1 capital letter, 2 small letters, 3 figures, 2 special characters, e.g.
Security check wants you to declare 'I am not a robot" if it clears you√ then click 'Join Now' That's your climax. But the problem many face is slow network or total absence of it.
Also be patient when you fail security check. It may show absence of network, meaning 'I am not a robot" may be absent. You should then click "Join Now".  Why should you do that? It usually prompts the security check to appear prematurely then click it and you may be lucky it allows √ and then Join.

A last and difficult scenario is when you click the security and fail, it would use another mode VERIFY.  A picture of items like, cars, tractors, street lights, chimneys etc could be separated by squares. The question usually is to verify how many squares contain the items in the picture? If you click the correct numbers then the security check would allow√ Then click 'JOIN'NOW'
If you can text me when you want to start that would be helpful. But read this instruction a few times before you start.  Make your mind realize that you could do the activities several times but you could be lucky straight away. Be of good courage. Always by your side to help.

Ikechukwu Odoemelam
Corporate Attorney/Consultant