Friday, March 22, 2024
Saturday, March 16, 2024
PRESIDENTIAL V. PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUTION presidential parliamentary lawmakers constituency projects people government million Naira CorporateLeaders corporate social responsibility mindset community
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Ikechukwu Odoemelam Esq,
Corporate Attorney- I Consultant
16 points you need to know about European AI Act is a brief account of the passage of the long awaited Act which the world want to model in order to combat AI
Unacceptable Risk AI Systems: AI systems posing significant risks to fundamental rights, safety, or welfare that are prohibited for use or restricted to prevent harm.
High-Risk AI Systems: AI systems with specific characteristics or applications that could pose significant risks to health, safety, or fundamental rights, subject to stringent requirements and oversight.
Limited-Risk AI Systems: AI systems with moderate risks, subject to certain obligations to ensure transparency, accountability, and user protection.
Minimal-Risk AI Systems: AI systems posing minimal risks to health, safety, or fundamental rights, typically exempt from extensive regulatory requirements but still expected to comply with basic standards.
Exempt AI Systems: AI systems falling outside the scope of regulatory oversight due to their negligible or insignificant risks.
Autonomy was embedded in the broad definition of AI.
A duty of fundamental rights impact assessment is now imposed on banks, insurers and governments.
AI systems and GPAI models now come with special transparency obligations.
A right to complain is provided for as well as mode of enforcement.
Bearing any errors or objections by European Council, the Act will come into force in May 2024.
Twenty days after Publication of AI Act in the Official Journal the Act will become enforceable.
Enforcement of prohibited AI practices begins after 6 months.
AI systems and GPAI models obligations commences in 12 months.
AI Act will apply in 24 months as well as most other obligations.
High-risk systems obligations listed in Annex II commence in 36 months time.
Public high-risk AI by authorities excluded from the market takes effect in 48 months.We need more information on the Act and responses from the general public as comments, reviews and critiques unfold.
Till then,
I remain Ikechukwu Odoemelam l IPlawyer l Copywriter l Author l Digital Marketer l Graphic Designer l Blogger
Thursday, March 7, 2024
"Hello Ikechukwu, | ||||||||
Your wallet has been funded successfully! 🤑 | ||||||||
The details are shown below: | ||||||||
Saturday, March 2, 2024
There seem to be lapses along the line of all agencies
Many professionals are involved in the building and
BLOGGER:. https://www.
COLUMNIST: https://www.
Obviously these discos least expect to cooperate to promote "private alternatives" that would render their services unprofitable. For instance how did they respond to using their structures like distribution channels by consumers?
Thursday, February 15, 2024
I wonder how many people in Nigeria wake up and desire to listen to the news or newspaper headlines. Okay, someone says how can you avoid sources like that which announce weather, traffic, crime and terror flashpoints.
But the fact is that the safety and health notifications are now the most important news items. Some of these probably sponsored by government agencies or corporate Institutions are largely because the governments' duty to provide security and welfare are crumbling from the federal to local level.
The rest of the news items would be dominated by the suffering of the masses. Soaring cost of basic necessities, school fees, transport etc , protests in Niger, Kano and Delta.
Apparently government indicated preparedness in the reduction of cost of Gas, instead increase occurred. And what do you hear now? That they're considering removal of electricity subsidy.
During Sam Amadi's Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) administration, I'm aware that part of the Act provided subsidized electricity for rural communities. That suggests that if the communities are making efforts on their own, the government being a stakeholder and defender of rural communities would ensure that such efforts are not frustrated.
The world's is watching as Nigeria drops to low level in human development. "Nigeria's Human Development Index (HDI) value is at 0.539 and ranked at #161 of 189 countries in the world." "Nigeria's life expectancy is 54 years (compared to a global average of 73)."
Social Progress Indices of a country are based on certain critical aspects of human existence like their well being basic needs and drive for opportunities. Without these rudimentary environment restiveness, dispair would set in.
Between 1990 and 2015 halve of the globe lived under $1.25 per day. During this period more than 90 million children were undernourished. That questioned United Nations (UN)'s Target 3 to eradicate hunger? Is Nigeria's Indices not showing how precarious the masses are with daily hues and cries?
During same period, 1990 and 2015 the UN's target 2 was to provide full and productive employment whereas 300 million workers were living below $1.25 per day. Extrapolate these analysis to 2024, specifically to Nigeria. What do you see? Scary, isn't it?
The only word for those who find Nigeria's environment indescribable is #resilience.