Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Your answer should not be that of your colleague or neighbor. The reason is not farfetched. Location, commute,  circumstances, motivation, ambiance, lifestyle, rewards etc influence choices and options.

However, the debate about hybrid workplace options has been raging as an off-shoot of global onslaught against COVID-19 pandemic. While in real life (IRL) has remained the traditional, capitalist model and the status quo, a new model work culture was birthed as a result of lockdown and other policies put in place globally to combat COVID-19 which came to be known as the new normal.  Therefore it became 'new normal' for employees or everyone to avoid traditional businesses/workplaces, yet perform work activities at home.

It also became new normal for companies and employers to provide alternative office space and tools, appliances and devices to their employees who have been 'forced' to work from home. Work from home is fast becoming adventurous floodgate which some companies like Spotify has adopted for their employees across the globe.

Some companies still hold swell to the traditional practices of full-time back to office policy after lockdown, as recently adopted by Goldman Sachs.

This phenomenon has increased the advent of work-at-home syndrome that has become 21st century lifestyle and work style. Whether part-time or full-time, more and more people are opting to work remotely.  This feature has been commended as a measure of social progress and necessary component of thriving entrepreneurship.

Different comments and analysis have been proferred for and against each option and a hybrid of options. Where do you stand in all of these?

The poser has been graphically constructed thus:

In Real Life (IRL) V. Remote work, striking a balance.

IRL has more stress and distractions; less productive than remote work. Raises issues of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. IRL has propensity to induce toxic staff relationships. Decision about suitable options requires surveys, feedback and open discussion not in a silo. However, different hybrid options for different companies.

On the other hand who cares if you have more than one job .. that doesn't breach any labour law, unless specifically prohibited by a particular contract of employment.

Imagine working from home, applied for maternity leave; spent the period and just one morning got management email welcoming you back to work, then you resume at home...

As a result of these changes taking place technological innovations are reflecting these choices. In other words whichever option you make would surely have it's economic value with it. 

We all have the inert ability to learn, grow and develop. Don't be a victim of the negative consequences of the changing work model. 

How ..?

If your employers adopted work from home policy and you haven't upgraded your digital skills, guess what happens ...

We at IDEA WORKSHOP are offering you work from home training to equip you with relevant skills at your pace and convenience. DM for details. Please connect https://wa.link/60jvdu

Ikechukwu Odoemelam

DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005783S6S

MEETINGS: Dynamics and Legality - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005MKCESY


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