Showing posts with label USSR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USSR. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Leaders emerge through crises and times of uncertainty. Though late erstwhile Soviet President, Mikhail Gorbachev never contemplated to dissolve USSR as a communist ideological block against the free-market world, he inadvertently did so ultimately. He could have chosen for USSR to continue in isolation and remain at cold war with the West and entire market economy OR liberate over 700 million Soviets stuck with national pride intoxicated by obselete communist ideology that was heading towards a third World War. Through the process of series of legislation he ended cold war; brought USSR into the mainstream of market economy of the entire world, a dream Sony, Pepsi and Visa failled to realize earlier on. That was what most people were proud of him, among all his achievements. Like many visionary leaders going through phases of challenges, he articulated his thoughts about how to resolve them to achieve national growth, development and transformation. Since communist administration and economy were by their nature closed and controlled by a central and ideologically monolithic undemocratic government, he thought that demolition of citizens' mental barriers would create a huge support of the people for it's forthcoming policies. This idea of transparency (Glasnost) had totally been absent till then. Glasnost, is the equivalent of freedom of speech, information and association in a democratic environment. You must realise that these 'freedoms' were luxuries in the communist enclave during the cold war. Glasnost changed the narratives. When citizens became excited by this novel instruction he introduced his book titled 'Parastoika' - restructuring. All his experiences from the Politburo to the delegate of deputies and Presidency created by him and occupied only by him were documented. This 'restructuring' were necessary changes coming from a visionary leader. The thrust of the changes prescribed was that the future of USSR belonged to the youth. By that book he sentenced communism to death. Of course glasnost which had become powerful vehicle of mobilisation enabled the ideas and disseminated the policies, not only within USSR but also eastern Europe that had been under communist rule and the rest of the world. Like a bridge linking two isolated communities, Mikhail Gorbachev's presidency ended communism and supervised Soviet's transition to free market economy. It was not without a price. His actions of being a pro-West good fellow created enimies. He stepped on powerful toes of the elite of the Soviet establishment. At a time he was under house arrest with his family. As a consequence the fall of Berlin wall, communist Eastern Europe block followed suite and the rest is now history. Adieu comrade. Ikechukwu O. Odoemelam Esq Legal Practitioners of the Supreme Court of Nigeria Corporate Attorneys/Consultants