Tuesday, May 7, 2024


#CorporateLeaders #cybercrime #government #law #intellectualproperty 
The objective of the Cybercrimes Act which took effect on 5th May 2015 is the protection of critical national infrastructure. This was deduced from the preamble which states: “An Act to provide for the prohibition, prevention, detection, response, investigation and prosecution of cybercrimes; and for other related matters 2015.” Critical national infrastructure includes the promotion of cyber security, protection of computer systems as well as their networks; electronic communication, data and computer programmes, intellectual and privacy rights. The Act no doubt tries to be as encompassing as possible considering that all these vital provisions are found in s. 1 of the Act. It is such a sensitive piece of legislation that national information infrastructure comes under the Presidency and advice of the National Security Adviser. It is an Act that places Nigeria with the global community on the thorny issue of policing the internet. Having localized this duty to the national level it is only a matter of time to see the efficacy of these efforts.

For quite obvious reasons s. 7 of Cybercrimes Act prescribes the registration of Cybercafés with the Corporate Affairs Commission as well as Computer Professionals and Registration Council. Cybercafés shall maintain a register of users through a sign-in register, However, the Act made no provision for sanctions if the section is violated. Cybercafés may be guilty of connivance in the case of crimes committed by users, the proof of which lies with the prosecutor. For instance does connivance include docility on the part of such operators?

Enacted in a strange way s.10 prohibits a crime called “tampering with critical infrastructure”. Those who are likely to commit this offence are local government staff, private organisations or financial institutions with respect to working with any critical national infrastructure, electronic mails when not authorized by the worker’s contract of service. This offence attracts a fine of N2m or 3 years imprisonment on conviction. However, one wonders, why the Act did not use the words “Civil Servants” to extend the net beyond local government workers to all workers in government employment. In effect when any government worker who is not in the employ of the local government commits this offence, a defense may be available that the accused is neither employed by a local government, private company nor financial institution.

The Act in its part IV specifically stipulates the “Duties of Financial Institutions”. S. 37 (3) it provides that; “Any Financial Institution that makes unauthorized debit on a customer’s account shall upon written notification by the customer, provide clear legal authorisation for such debit to the customer, or reverse such debit within 72 hours. Any financial institution that fails to reverse such debit within 72 hours shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to restitution of the debit and a fine of N5m”. How many financial institutions have not breached this provision? Where then lies the efficacy of the Act when s. 19 (3) Cybercrimes Act shifts the burden to the bank customer “to prove the financial institution in question could have done more to safeguard it’s information integrity”. I shall comment further on the experiences of an average beneficiary of the Cybercrimes Act later.

S. 38 states that the duties of service providers include records retention and protection of data, subsection (5) is very apt and reflects the protection available under the law, it states that : “Anyone exercising any function under this section shall have due regard to the individual’s right to privacy under the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 and shall take appropriate measures to safeguard the confidentiality of the data retained: processed or retrieved for the purpose of law enforcement”. One wonders if such assurances can make a bank customer regard his data as being adequately protected by the bank. S.40 of Cybercrimes Act places an obligation on service providers to render assistance to the law enforcement agencies with their duties to track offenders especially when the alleged crimes were committed. It takes the spirit of a patriotic National Security Adviser which has proved scarce, to comply with these provisions. If not, why have Nigerian GSM network providers not assisted the Federal government in its onslaught against Boko Haram who have been using mobile phones, videos and internet communications without detection.

S. 42 establishes the Cybercrimes Advisory Council to perform various functions and its powers are listed in s. 43 of the Act. S. 44 establishes the “National Cyber Security Fund” which is the Cybercrimes Advisory Council’s major source of revenue, it includes funds from “grants in-aid and assistance from donors, bilateral and multilateral agencies. For an organisation that receives donations one would have expected donor agencies to qualify to attend quarterly meetings of the council stipulated by s. 42 (5) of the Act. But the First Schedule to the Act does not mention that any agency or organization should attend any meeting. Do they not have any interest for the cause for which money is donated? Since the offences under the Act are global and extraditable, giving an option to attend the meetings would have been most appropriate because these organisations have been in the battle longer than developing knowledge economies.

Any attempt to assess the impact of this act would acknowledge the first casualty to be Lagos social media commentators/ bloggers arrested for comments alleged to have breached the provision of s. 24 (2) which provides: “a person who knowingly or intentionally transmits or causes the transmission of any communication through a computer system or network (a) to bully, threaten or harass another person, where such communication places another person in fear of death, violence or bodily harm to another” and “(c) containing any threat to harm the property or reputation of a deceased person, firm, association or corporation, any money or other things of value”. This section punishes an offender on conviction with a fine of N25m, however in the case of paragraph (c) the offender faces the imprisonment of 5 years or minimum of N15m. If this is a preview of the Act, then George Orwell’s book “1984” is about to manifest, because the state would have taken away the freedom of expression guaranteed under the 1999 constitution.

Some commentators have argued that Nigeria’s communication policy does not carry everyone along especially those not conversant with modern information technology. No one can say categorically whether the 8th Assembly is keen on considering the proposed “Nigerian Electronic Communications Bill” which was not passed by the 7th Assembly. One of the provisions, s. 15 (1) criminalizes unsolicited and irritating messages which is common with most communication operators. Indeed a jail term of not less than 1 year or a fine of N2m, as well as a death sentence are imposed. The highest sentence applied to “offenders who commit crimes against the law by penalizing any person who, by means of public electronic communication network, persistently sends a message or other matter that (a) is grossly offensive or causes any such message or matter to be so sent; (in this case telecom operators) or (b) sending electronic messages that are known to be false, and could cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another or cause”.

One of the principal objectives of the passage of Cybercrimes (prohibition, prevention etc) Act 2015 is the protection of critical National Information Infrastructure which may include taxes and levies.

I welcome your opinions, critiques and inquiries. https://wa.link/60jvdu

I remain Ikechukwu Odoemelam  l IPlawyer  l Copywriter  l  Author  l  Digital Marketer  l  Graphic Designer  l  Blogger


Your answer should not be that of your colleague or neighbor. The reason is not farfetched. Location, commute,  circumstances, motivation, ambiance, lifestyle, rewards etc influence choices and options.

However, the debate about hybrid workplace options has been raging as an off-shoot of global onslaught against COVID-19 pandemic. While in real life (IRL) has remained the traditional, capitalist model and the status quo, a new model work culture was birthed as a result of lockdown and other policies put in place globally to combat COVID-19 which came to be known as the new normal.  Therefore it became 'new normal' for employees or everyone to avoid traditional businesses/workplaces, yet perform work activities at home.

It also became new normal for companies and employers to provide alternative office space and tools, appliances and devices to their employees who have been 'forced' to work from home. Work from home is fast becoming adventurous floodgate which some companies like Spotify has adopted for their employees across the globe.

Some companies still hold swell to the traditional practices of full-time back to office policy after lockdown, as recently adopted by Goldman Sachs.

This phenomenon has increased the advent of work-at-home syndrome that has become 21st century lifestyle and work style. Whether part-time or full-time, more and more people are opting to work remotely.  This feature has been commended as a measure of social progress and necessary component of thriving entrepreneurship.

Different comments and analysis have been proferred for and against each option and a hybrid of options. Where do you stand in all of these?

The poser has been graphically constructed thus:

In Real Life (IRL) V. Remote work, striking a balance.

IRL has more stress and distractions; less productive than remote work. Raises issues of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. IRL has propensity to induce toxic staff relationships. Decision about suitable options requires surveys, feedback and open discussion not in a silo. However, different hybrid options for different companies.

On the other hand who cares if you have more than one job .. that doesn't breach any labour law, unless specifically prohibited by a particular contract of employment.

Imagine working from home, applied for maternity leave; spent the period and just one morning got management email welcoming you back to work, then you resume at home...

As a result of these changes taking place technological innovations are reflecting these choices. In other words whichever option you make would surely have it's economic value with it. 

We all have the inert ability to learn, grow and develop. Don't be a victim of the negative consequences of the changing work model. 

How ..?

If your employers adopted work from home policy and you haven't upgraded your digital skills, guess what happens ...

We at IDEA WORKSHOP are offering you work from home training to equip you with relevant skills at your pace and convenience. DM for details. Please connect https://wa.link/60jvdu

Ikechukwu Odoemelam

DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005783S6S

MEETINGS: Dynamics and Legality - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005MKCESY


Sunday, April 14, 2024


Death is the necessary end of life. And so everyone aware of what happened to the entertainment industry and Nollywood last week must have come terms to the sad and inestimable loss of talents, brothers, sisters, husbands, men and women👥. None of the victim's' names is bigger or more important than the other as they say, death is an equaliser, ALL of them to the debit side of our ledger.

Jnr Pope Odonwodo being the leader of the crew 🚢 dominated the episode for two reasons. First he was giving online account of the risky voyage🛥️on social media, while subscribers were on-the-voyage with them until the turbulent incident.

Secondly Jnr Pope 'died' and 'revived and was alife again' to the jubilation of fans, as if other confirmed victims no longer mattered. But that was short-lived.

My worry for writing this comment is the comedy- like demand for money to appease the marine god and that was why the body of Abigail Frederick was buried at the bank of the river.🏞️

My heart 😭 bled when I read the report of her father's inability to provide N150,000 necessary traditional rites to appease the marine god. Couldn't anyone have asked for her body to remain in the mogue pending when relations, sympathisers or fans show their strength?

✍️That's why I felt I should volunteer this comment on behalf of those members of the public in my school of thought, and at same time thank Pastor Umo Eno, Governor of Akwa Ibom state for ordering exhumation of Abigail's body for a decent burial by her family.

Reports say it was Akaninye Tommy TC Chairman Eket LGA probably Abigail's home, who alerted the governor about what happened. That's a thumb up sir.

The governor has two callings: a clergy and governor. No one of good reasoning and judgement would spot anything otherwise than exactly what you did. Bravo.

In conclusion that money 💰 belongs to God was mentioned about 2000 times in the Holy Bible. Demonising money can shroud or even kill conscience, good reasoning and judgement. Otherwise who would have thought that communal ritual could isolate a young lady's body eternally from her home, only a stone throw away without a will?

I remain Ikechukwu Odoemelam  l IPlawyer⚖️  l Copywriter  l  Author  l  Digital Marketer  l  Graphic Designer  l  Blogger

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


#CorporateLeaders #tourism #adventure #explorer
Yesterday, 8th April was a D-Day for fun-tasty Lagosians waiting for the arrival of Solo driver Ms Pelumi Nubi from London after 68 days adventurous journey.

Mungo Park (1771-1806) was British explorer who took joy in adventure of discoveries, even to the dangerous zones of Africa.

He wrote a book titled "Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa".

Then followed by people like Olabisi Ajala, Newton Jibuno etc. who enjoyed traveling adventures.

On 30th January Ms Pelumi Nubi a UK resident solo driver, drove from London and arrived Lagos yesterday 7/4/2024 amidst huge expectant crowd. She donated the Peugeot 107 she brought to Lagos State Government.

She was warmly received by Lagos Government with gift of apartment, payment of cost of the adventure and an honor of being Lagos State Tourism Ambassador.

That's how celebrity starts, from humble and selfless adventures. Would you try any? Never can say what vista is waiting to unfold.

I remain Ikechukwu Odoemelam  l IPlawyer  l Copywriter  l  Author  l  Digital Marketer  l  Graphic Designer  l  Blogger

Monday, April 1, 2024


In the bustling cities of Abia these retirees led by Emeka Okezie had a knack for turning the mundane into the extraordinary. And concerned Abians often show sympathy.

At one certain press conference the governor Alex Otis government vowed to start payment of pensioners. As they lounged on the benches, sipping their 'pure water' (only those who could afford it: N50 each), some doubting skeptics suddenly exclaimed, "That's what you said during the campaign, where's pension?" But for numerous silent ones 
the thought about the economic value of pension payments prevailed.

The group exchanged puzzled glances until more questions were answered after the conference. Just think about it folks pension payments aren't just money pensioners receive to enjoy their golden years. They're like drops of water in a vast ocean, circulating through the economy and keeping the wheels turning!

Quite often intrigued and curious pensioners set out on a quest to uncover the true impact of their pension payments. Along the way, they encountered shopkeepers, farmers, and even the mayor, each with their own stories to tell. Ahhh, who do you believe?

They learned how their pension payments helped support local businesses, allowing shops to thrive and communities to flourish. They discovered how retirees spending their pensions injected vitality into the economy, creating jobs and opportunities for everyone.

With newfound understanding, the pensioners returned to lobby government and relevant stakeholders their hearts brimming with pride. They realized that their pension payments weren't just numbers on a check—they were the lifeblood of their town, sustaining its prosperity and ensuring a bright future for generations to come.

And so, with Emeka Okezie leading the charge, the pensioners continued to cherish their golden years, knowing that their economic contributions were as valuable as gold itself.

NOW the government and governor Alex Otis are trending and the joy of pensioners is fuelling it.


Thursday, March 28, 2024


On 6th March, 2024 when my attention caught this viral picture on Facebook of a couple legal personalities ROSS OSEI Esq and SYLVIA MAMLE ASSEM called to Ghananian Bar on 23/10/23 along with Ghananian Foreign Affairs Minister, Shirley Ayokor Botchway, I erroneously wrote they were called to the Nigerian Bar. Incidentally that also went viral.

However, it was the account of GhanaCelebrities.com that gave us the correct version.

The incident also reminded me about my call to the Nigerian Bar decades ago along with a couple legal personalities too.

I'm just wondering whether there's anything you've learned, especially our colleagues out there who may be itching to know before making the decisions Ross Osei Owusu Esq and Sylvia Mamle ASSEM Esq made?

Running Law firm partnerships could be difficult and sometimes a disaster. In some negative instances associates/partners rather than operate like birds of same feathers, turn out to be in thug of war: totally the opposite of business partnership, everyone moving against the tide. Are there antidotes to that?

However, we've seen law firm partnerships developed from informal structures to become quoted companies at the global stock lists.

According to reports quoted commercial law firms within one year, recorded 26% rise in value. UK law firms Gateley Holdings Plc and DWL Attorneys were cited as examples.

Similarly a report from law.com cited South Africa's EndAfrica as the first among 50 largest commercial law firms in Africa, lending credence to the benefits of partnership law firms.

Like other businesses law firm partnerships face challenges and fortunes, however everything depends on the leadership and how far their vision could take them.

I remain Ikechukwu Odoemelam  l IPlawyer  l Copywriter  l  Author  l  Digital Marketer  l  Graphic Designer  l  Blogger

Friday, March 22, 2024


#CorporateLeaders #entrepreneur #digitalskills #freelancer #JobOpportunity

If you've been trying to join the digital world but failed or failing, help is on the way.

This Easter I'd be telling you "how far" about my risky adventure into the digital world. I called it "risky" because as an Attorney l needed much concentration on practice, but I compromised the much needed attention and spent years on honing digital skills.

So I don't know where to place you among these category of persons:

Those who have been aspiring and struggling to make money online but couldn't figure it out.

Those who learnt and know things to do to earn money online but don't have mentorship.

Those who learnt and do things and earn money online slowly but want speed to increase income.

My story would revive you; reset your mindset; whet your appetite for success and realize that the barrier between you and making money online is relevant skills that you can acquire in just 3 days.

So make this Easter from 29th - 31st March, 2024 rare opportunity to change value FREE.
