Showing posts with label vision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vision. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2022


Your ideas about how you would be in the future is your vision. It's often the best one would wish him or herself.

About this time of the year we begin to take stock of our activities and results so far and adjust here and there.

Call it decision, guide or resolution, whatever you may call it, the purpose is to be properly directed for a desired result.

A humble beginning like most of us have is just a stepping stone. To continue on that level, to say the least is not being ambitious. 

Who among you now a tenant wants to remain so for life? If it doesn't cost anything to dream, no one would choose to remain at the 'humble beginning' level for life.

That inert desire humans have for better tomorrow is the reason why you're reading this business message. Here's a report:

HOW NOT TO LOOSE YOUR DWELLING HOUSE AFTER 25 YEARS is a Report to guide you to become an owner occupier, from 2023 rather than remain/live as tenant for life.

We invite everyone passionate about innovations and prosperous ideas to quickly join our group to get the report.

Or DM us indicating interest to receive the report.

Getting better daily is our mission. 

The internet is like a big ocean. Swimming, surfing, fishing etc - these activities unguided may lead to wasteful soujourn.


Ikechukwu O. Odoemelam & Co                    Legal Practitioners of the Supreme Court of Nigeria

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