Friday, August 22, 2014


STATUTORY ROLES OF THE COMPANY SECRETARY  Iyke Ozemena Attorney, Corporate Consultant, Author:  All company meetings are required to be recorded in the minute book.  It is a statutory injunction.  This function is performed by the Company Secretary while the meeting is on-going.  A Company Secretary is an organizer; a person concerned with all  the affairs  of the company meetings. A company meeting without a secretary is incomplete for legal purposes, unless someone is deputising for him/her.  It is mandatory for every company to have a Secretary.1  A secretary has a distinct role; and not an appendage of any office.  A detailed study of s.293 -- 298 of the Companies Act specifying the company secretary and his role reveals an enhanced role of Company Secretary over and above his/her role under the previous Companies Act.  For instance s.297 imposes a duty of fiduciary interests on a secretary acting as an agent of the company as if he/she is a director; although by s.298(2) he/she is not allowed to act in the capacity of a director without clearance from the board.  In performing the duties of a secretary in relation to meetings, he liaises with the chairman of the board and the chief executive of the company.  Where the secretary is unable to act for any reason his assistant or deputy would be instructed to stand in for her/him.  If he has no assistant, a competent officer capable of carrying out those functions shall be appointed by the directors to do the job. 2  The qualification of a Secretary may vary from one private company to another, in most cases  knowledge and experience within the company are important considerations for appointment but there are stipulated qualifications for secretaries of public companies.  There are five categories of qualification listed in s.295.  They are as follows:  (1)    A member of Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, or  (2)    A legal practitioner within the meaning of the Legal Practitioners Act 1975.  (3)    A member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants or such other bodies of accountants as are established from time   to time by an Act or a Bye-law.  (4)    Any person who has held the office of the Secretary of a public company for at least 3 years of the 5 years immediately preceding his/her appointment in a public company or  (5)    A body corporate or firm consisting of members of each of whom is qualified under the first four categories.    <P>  The qualification and position occupied by company secretaries are now clear especially in respect of public companies. It is also clear that a secretary plays a distinct role from that of directors. Where the Act requires something to be done by a director it would be wrong and therefore invalid if a secretary does it.    <P>  In other words there is a clear statutory demarcation of the functions of the director and secretary.  3  Thier functions may be interwoven in other areas but where the statut spells out that either of them should do a particular thing it should be so.    <P>  The duties of a secretary differ from one company to the other but the core areas are stipulated under s.298 and it includes:    <P>  (a) Attending the meeting of the Company, the board of directors and its committees, rendering all necessary secretarial services in respect of the meeting and advising on compliance by the meeting with the applicable rules and regulations.    <P>  (b) Maintaining the registers and other records required to be maintained by the company under this Act.    <P>  (c) Rendering proper returns and giving notification to the commission required under this Act.    <P>  (d) Carrying out such administrative and other secretarial duties as directed by the director, or the company.    <P>  It is vital to note that appointment of Company Secretary is done by the directors. 4    <P>   Naturally such appointment is done as early as the company commences business or the appointment can be made before the first annual general meeting, if it is a public company.    <P>  Since the appointment is by the board of directors it follows naturally that  his removal shall be by the board.  However, there is a laid down procedure which shall be complied with before a secretary is deemed removed.  5    <P>  In the first place he shall be given notice of the proposed removal.  The notice shall contain four salient points stated below:    <P>  (a)  The notice shall state that his removal has been proposed.  (b)  The grounds of the proposed removal.  (c)  Stating also that he is required to make his defence within 7 working days.  (d)  An option to resign within 7 days.    <P>  On receipt of the notice the secretary has 7 working days to prepare and put forward a defense.  Alternatively he may resign within the same period.  If his defense is a weak one or not bother to make a defense at all  the board may remove him/her.    <P>  The board can also remove him/her before the next general meeting if the grounds of removal is fraud or borders around it.  For less serious grounds than fraud the board may suspend him/her pending the next general meeting.  The removal becomes effective as ssoon as the general meeting determines.    <P>  A register of directors and secretaries are kept by every company.  The register shall contain information about the secretaries and directors and details of their personal interests.  The register is kept at the company's registered office for access and inspection by members for not less than two hours a day.    <P>  Whenever there is a change in the particulars contained in the register a form is completed to reflect the change and forwarded to the Corporate Affairs Commission within 14 days of the change.    <P>  At the level of  our world today, a company secretary should not only be master of these main activities  above; the office demands much more knowledge over and above those skills, the internal routine of the organisation he/she serves, as well as  current affairs and public relations.  The global soci-political and economic systems and the advent of digital communications have combined to make Company Secretary's job very sophisticated.  For him/her to cope with the job, learning and skills acquisition must be undertaken continually.  There are several digital devices that video conferencing and verbatim recorders are just the commonest few.    <P>  It is not compulsory that all these knowledge should be applied.  However, it is important to acquire them than to be found wanting when an office requires the skill.    <P>  Consider the post of a Company Secretary, or a Local Government Secretary.  Their qualifications may vary but the skills required to carry out their functions would remain the same.  Their orientations must differ significantly because of the nature, business or services offered by various organisations they serve.    <P>  The qualification of secretary to a limited liability company registered under CAMA 1990 is already specified by s.295 of the Act.  Such position would necessarily require the knowledge of business and industrial community.  Some may call for indept knowledge of management, organisation and methods.  Others may need higher administrative skills.    <P>  For secretaries who qualified through the Instiatute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators as well as Accountancy bodies, they would be very familiar with these subjects as much as Legal Practitioners.    <P>  Occassions do arise when company activities attract public notice and attention.  The Annual General Meeting may attract such public attention; anniversaries, jubilee and centinary celeberation or even launch of new products.  The media may be specifically invited, or attend on their own volution.  Then there may be impromptu session of questions and answers; or a press interview.  An unprepared Company Secretary may fall into the danger of not presenting the company's point of view or profile properly.  Being abreast of the company's mission, activities and profile is the antidote.    <P>  More and more offices are becoming computerised.  In some companies almost all the executives have computers on their desks.  You have to come to terms with the reality of automated office. The demand of this modern office development on a Secretary are two-folds.  First, the secretary should be computer literate and conversant with modern office equipments.  Second, he/she should ensure that relevant staff get these new skills to be part of an effective team.    <P>  On the other hand, a Local Government Secretary should be versed in local government legislation and administration.  The appreciation of the constantly increasing and changing roles of local authorities is equally important.  He/she should be conversant with the various aspects of local government income and expenditure.  There is also increasing political awareness and formation of pressure groups which the Secretary should be prepared to contend with.    <P>  The function of the local government during the first and second republics were minimal and essentially as agents of the regions/state governments.  The status changed after 1976 Local Government Reforms to the effect that local government was recognised as a third tier government, and to this extent a location of power and a permanent administrative structure. Similarly, the abolition of Ministry of Local Government in 1988 enhanced the local government autonomy.    <P>  However, in the third republic, the 1989 Consititution further strenghtened the position by granting it greater autonomy.  This position has further been fortified by the creation of more local government areas bringing the total to 774 according to the 1999 Constitution.    <P>  By Decree 23 of 1991 local governments were granted the status of a legislative body and other ancillary enhancement of the chairman's powers.  This increased the law interpretation and compliance load of the councils.  Thus the local government secretary needs to be exposed to the politics, economics of local government and its legislative procedures.    <P>  The commission recommended an extended duties of a Secretary to include circulating minutes of past meetings; reminds all the members  of Board meetings and carrying on any other duties assigned by the Board.  Further, a Secretary should have  ostensible authority to sign contracts, employ staff, hire car and manage office on behalf of the company.  A fine of N400 shall be imposed on any company which contravenes these provisions. <P>    <P>
   Bibiliography    <P>  1.  Section 293 (1) CAMA    2.  Section 293 (2)    3.  Section 294 (1)    4.  Section 296 (1)     5.  Section 296 (2)    6.  Janner on Communication Ch.50 <P>    <P>
<P> Iyke Ozemena is the author of these books:    <P>
<P>  DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement |    <P>  The 13th President |      <P>  GUIDE TO FINAN$IAL $ECURITY |      <P>  IDEAWORKSHOP MANUAL: ENTREPRENEURS |    <P>   DIRECTORS: Qualification, Appointment, Proceedings & Removal  |    <P>
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CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Every modern CEO, directors and indeed leaders not only perform their traditional and statutory duties, they are also required to be abreast of social developments and and challenges they pose to businesses, environment and global economy.
Recycling was strange word in the vocabulary of corporate managers until towards the end of 20th century. The phenomenon caught the attention of economist researching optimal and efficient utilization of resources. Recycling of products, materials and wastes became knowledge-based industry that brought about waste reduction and re-use of materials. It brought local revenue,savings and job creation reported to be ten times more than that coming from land-filling and incineration. Recycling of wastes otherwise known as ‘waste to wealth’ is a source of energy especially for non-urban dwellers.
Renewable energy is a recent concept that was the off-shoot of fluctuating crude oil prices at the global market and how it impacted the global economy. Governments of OPEC nations resolved to control production level in order to counter the tendency of industrialized, oil-consuming countries to dictate price of oil. The alternative source of energy, electricity also consume other source of energy to generate distributable quantum of electricity. In competition between these major sources, solar energy became the third source. Research has shown that it is the most environmentally-friendly source; followed by wind pipe energy. In order to make progress the existing laws establishing the present sources and their modes of operation have to give way for new legal structure.
Living green has become synonymous with sources of power that enhance environmental friendly atmosphere
and ecosystem. Any source of energy that reduces the use of fossil like inverta, wind and solar are said to
promote a sustainable life style.
There are now in operation a number of Solar Energy Rechargeable kiosks in Rwanda invented by students of
Imperial College London. That has become a new energy culture in town. Technology led to these changes. It is
still transforming industries, peoples and their lifestyles. Offices have since been automated; appliances,
equipments and instruments digitalized. Almost everything is now done at a higher speed of technology.
Studies have shown that sustainable development cannot take place without the integration of technology.
Technology is seen as a neutral phenomenon which can be used to foster good oir bad. However, technology is
the major mieasure of social progress. We are aware that the market has become the arbiter of technological
success or failure since resources and costs are determined by the market. Therefore the pace of technological
development and their results would be dictated by the market.
As young persons, up-coming leaders and directors you need to cultivate acute sense of corporate social
responsibility of institutions you serve or represent. Such businesses are now classified as ‘environmentally
aware’. Don’t be on the side of ignorance for it may cost you and your institution a fortune.
Some corporate institutions have introduced "environment education" into their mission statement. Fujitsu
group has an environmental concept called "Green Policy 21" which they claim is a declaration of intent to
entrench the idea of "manufacturing in harmony with nature". They claim that they have secured the
cooperation of their employees to "make every activity green".
On a global level environment education has taken a deeper dimension when the root causes of environmental
degradation were investigated. Apart from lack of economic development in the third world due to illiterate
population, the people were raved by diseases associated with poverty, rural life and under-development.
Notorious among them are malaria, AIDS, guinea worm, infant mortality and sycle-cell anemia.
These woes associated with third world were to become palpable burden to the world economy for obvious
reasons. The population of third world is huge because of unscientific reproduction. The percentage of the
population who get education is negligible. Whereas advanced economies have largely educated and
scientifically managed population. These attributes and the differences were to reflect capacity and determine
their various standards of living as well as their per capita income. The differences meant that the advanced
countries were responsible for increased industrial output with third world, usually undeveloped accounting for
raw materials that contributed meager returns as income.
It was in this vein that industrialized countries were accused of polluting global environment to the point of
depleted ozone layer.
This concern led to ‘Agenda 21’ that brought world leaders together in a conference held in 1992 in Rio de
Jenairo. The conference was the first attempt at compilation of factors inhibiting world economic growth and
development. The factors identified to promote growth and address environmental pollution were:
1. Poverty Eradication
2. UBE
3. Gender Equality
4. Child Mortality Reduction
5. Maternal Health
6. AID/Malaria Eradication
7. Environmental pollution Reduction
8. Global partnership for Development.
Ten years after Rio de Jenairo, the world met again in 2002 at Pretoria, South Africa to assess the journey so far
from 1992. There were disagreements in Pretoria as to the progress made. However, they agreed that some
steps have been taken but they resolved tht the pace of achieving success should be timed. Therefore year
2015 was agreed to be time for implementation of those laudable objectives.
In December 2009 the world met in Copenhagen to take a firm stand on the way forward to arrest global
warming and climate change; and to resolve to support Kyoto protocol but could not take any resolution.
These are the least the leadership of corporate institutions should know about the environment they operate in,
in order to display corporate social responsibility of companies to their environment. The responsibility is
statutory; not only does it determine a company’s relationship with its customers and immediate community, it
underscores the company’s effort at good corporate governance.
A number of companies have been acknowledged to establish and operate environmentally-friendly practices.
Among them are Chevron, HP, US Energy, Friends of the Earth, American Balanced Energy, BP, GE, Human
Energy, American power and Green Peace considered to be the front-runners of green environment.

Iyke Ozemena's ebooks at  He is also the author of these books:
Land Law of Nigeria:
Meetings: Dynamics & Legality:
Leadership Foundation Skill:
Company Secretaries’ Handbook:
Directors: Duties & Enforcement:
Directors: Qualification, Appointment, Proceedings & Removal:
Ideaworkshop Manual:
Guide to Financial Security:

energy, world, corporate, global, environment, source, third, third world, source energy, social, market, environmental, progress, institutions, order, materials, responsibility, corporate social responsibility, environment education, corporate institutions,





Press Release on "HOW TO PUBLISH E-BOOKS"  To start you should form the habit of keeping records of useful information you come across for retrieval and use later when the opportunity comes. I must add that I read instructions and experiences of successful authors and I had to write some for advice.    <P>
Thereafter I wrote these ebooks now selling at ama\on:  LAND LAW IN NIGERIA    COMPANY SECRETARIES HANDBOOK

1 DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement - analyzed the statutory provisions and ethical responsibilities of corporate citizens.
2 MEETINGS: Dynamics and Legality -
Meetings: Dynamics & Legality is a concise procedure of meetings written lucid narratives for everyone who needs the understanding of Meetings. Descriptions are quite vivid and illustrations are practical for average readers perception. It is quick reference book for Attorneys, Company Secretaries, Heads of departments of corporate institution who are quite often saddle with meetings, as well as law students and administrators. Statutes from various jurisdiction were employed but the main principles applicable to meetings remain the rallying point.
3 DEAWORKSHOP MANUAL: ENTREPRENEURS is an abridged lecture delivered at the workshop for entrepreneurs, youth empowerment workshop and for unemployed, job-seeking or improvement-seeking individuals. A wealth of resources for corporate consultants, intellectual guide for researchers, business community and students.
GUIDE TO FINANCIAL SECURITY (Kindle Edition) Guide to Financial Security is a precise book containing valuable resources about small businesses you can start. it is also a reference book of business ideas and relevant information for entrepreneurs, researchers, businessmen and students. A comprehensive plan is produced in nutshell. There are some advices on financial prudence and saving culture essential for security and prosperity.
The facts and data are verifiable and saves time wasted on the web for relevant business data that is one of the reasons I recommend the book.

The 13th President is the biography of President Umaru Musa Yar'adua Nigeria's head of state from May 2007 to May 2010. The book includes biographies of his elder brother and father who mentored them. You find comments about the entire Yar'adua rich family and their roles in the nations political, military and business arena. The author used narrative style to relay the melodrama in the complex struggle to lift the nation. An ambition shared by majority of Nigerians and Africa but came anti-climax as he mowed down by ill-health that nearly cause political crisis. It is a story that has a lot of legal, constitutional and novel political manoeuvrings.
6: DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement (Kindle Edition) DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement is a book on the statutory duties of directors of corporate institutions globally and their enforcement. The conflict between management and shareholders were analysed into its constituent elements with EU,US and Nigerian decided cases. Common law sanctionable breaches and remedies were discussed with illustrations. There are comments on shareholders interests and protection of minorities. It is written with law students, teachers, investors and business people across the world in mind.
7 Science of Getting Rich: Attracting Financial Success Through Creat... THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH is Wallace Wattle's best research on the ancient value system that emphasise on creative ideas that would expand both the intellectual horizon of man and resources in a manner that is devoid of negative competition.
It contains the ideas of 'In Search of Excellence' as well as Napoleon Hill's 'Think and Grow Rich'. It a manual for any business student, researcher or entrepreneur wishing to achieve financial freedom and success.

The questions he posed in the book are pertinent. Indeed what would life be without financial ability to create comfort around you and your environment?
I found it extremely useful for entrepreneurship training workshop and that's why I recommend the book
This book explored the diverse roles of company secretaries. Starting from training and qualifications, it went further to the detailed activities of the office to the boardroom. Record-keeping duties are properly discussed with relevant statutes and case laws that illustrate vividly the analysis. Brokers and shareholders would find a lot Stock Exchange information relevant to them. Meetings of private and public companies were all discussed in detail such that students would grasp salient points with ease. COMPANY SECRETARIES' HANDBOOK

Views: 70
Tags: Iyke, Ozemena


Although the government's housing policy is primarily aimed at providing opportunities and infrastructures for citizens to own decent accommodation (flats, bungalows and quarters) without tears, the counterpart or incidence of this laudable programme is creation of job opportunities in the building and construction industry. As a keen and interested observer I want to critically consider the reality and the implications to the stakeholders and specially the youth and the middle-income group targeted by this policy

According to the Finance Minister and Coordinator of the economy, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Federal Government's housing policy creates jobs through synergy among stakeholders in the industry and with government. Explaining further, she said that the delivery of a housing unit creates 5 direct and 25 indirect jobs. Therefore a successful delivery of 10,000 new house owners or mortgage beneficiaries at the end of 2014 should provide at least 75, 000 jobs.

There is no doubt that the priority of modern government's across the globe is tackling head on the issue of shelter deficit especially in cities, where mortgages and houses have become luxuries affordable only by the rich and affluent. Even if we have to take the ratio of employment creation with a pinch of salt, no one can deny the fact that housing concerns the youth in all its ramifications. They are seriously involved and actively participate in building and construction processes culminating in housing delivery. They are also eligible; indeed their percentage compared to other groups are highest applying for these built houses through mortgage institutions. One of the reasons why it is so, is because the repayment period takes the entire working life of 30 years. So it is difficult to find those in the middle of their working life or near retirement to apply for the facility. So essentially housing scheme benefits the unemployed youth and those that have secured employment and wish to access the facility. Therefore it is not impossible to find a young school leaver or graduate moving into a bedroom flat or duplex within one year of employment, Keke NAPEP or entrepreneurial activities.

Other efforts of the Government to create employment for the teeming unemployed youth include Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria (You WIN) aimed at creating about 110,000 independent entrepreneurs in 4 years.

Perhaps in keeping with the public/private participation policy of the Federal Government, NLC partnered with Kriston Hally EPC (Nig) Limited, a private estate developers to provide 600,000 units of residential buildings for workers across 36 States and the Federal Capital Territory by end of 2014 (Agreement of 6th April 2013 NLC Vice President, Mr. Promise Adewusi signed on behalf of NLC while Mr. Mustapha Madawaki signed for the developer company)

NLC was reported to have similar arrangement with FMB and NECA (Nigeria Employers' Consultative Association.

Job creation is a continual phenomenon. Research is very critical to development; to that end various efforts made through workshops, exhibitions and conferences combine to produce more jobs in the housing industry. One such conference is the two-day conference holding from 17th - 18th July 2014 on Real-estate investment in UK, programmed by Global Homes Magazine in conjunction with Nigerian Housing Circuit Magazine. The exercise is to create awareness and instant opportunities in real estate and mortgage financiers, investors and institutions in Nigeria and UK with a view to gaining expert insight into new market trends in real estate sector of the UK and Nigeria, as well as exchanging practical experiences in the business.

Undoubtedly, the forum would be a veritable tool for investors, stakeholders in real estate to network and rub minds on all business opportunities incidental to estate development.

Earlier another conference, World Urban Forum had concluded in Columbia. It was attended by stakeholders including Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Mrs. Akon Eyakewyi.

Iyke Ozemena Corporate Attorney/Consultant, Author:


The Sports Mundial that comes up in Brazil 12th June 2014 attracts 32 competing countries, which qualified from their various groups. Since it is called world football match, every sovereign nation is entitled to participate in Brazil. But come to think of it, every par of Brazil would be full of sporting visions with their fans. That would be boring, wouldn't it? Sure. That's actually the reason for the eliminating contest that started June 12, 2014 that produced 'local champions' from their groups. After all, Brazil the host country has already overstretched her financial budget (tax payers' money) to prepare 12 FIFA certified standard stadia. It is in one of the 12 stadia that the last football competition between the exiting country in one successful group and the country that emerges second after semi-final would be played to determine the would take home the cup. Already there are signs of discontent in some Brazilian cities by civil societies and people who felt that the Mundial does not worth the magnitude of taxpayers' money that would host it. They preferred such some to be spent on employment provision and social services to alleviate hardship among the masses and reduce poverty. Some have argued that this economic argument does not correlate with the ideal of sponsorship of the World Cup by FIFA which is also a co-sponsor in terms of material and financial resources. However the fact remains that tax-payers everywhere are ordinary individuals with political views and opinions that differ from that of the leadership. It is on record that many other poorer nations have hosted the Mundial without the protest that characterized 2014 World Cup. Though the recent global economic down turn had stretched peoples perseverance beyond bearable limit that suddenly common citizens have come to the realization that government should not be allowed to go on spending spree while millions of its citizen go on empty stomach. The scenario has thrown up a novel issue in the organization of the mundial event, such that it would be a reference point for other nations. FIFA has a world standard that cannot be compromised and it costs a fortune. How the host country manages to meet these expectations and commitment, and balance them with the wishes of taxpayers is just one of the challenges of leadership. "Already there are signs of discontent in some Brazilian cities by civil societies and people who felt that the Mundial does not worth the magnitude of taxpayersâEUR(TM) money that would host it. They preferred such some to be spent on employment provision and social services to alleviate hardship among the masses and reduce poverty."



SECURITIZING MORTGAGES WOULD SOLVE HOUSING SHORTAGES Apart from the recent global economic down-turn which many countries are yet to fully recover from, as well as the growing challenge of climate change, many parts of the developing world are groaning under the excruciating pains of inadequate housing. Twenty years ago, in order to express my dismay at the military government’s poor handling of their duty to provide affordable housing for Nigerians by the year 2000, I titled the published essay: NATIONAL URBAN HOUSING POLICY. The crux was that few years after the promise was made the government had no policy on which to deliver, nor was there any framework from which to examine the proposal and its feasibility critically as well as assess its progress or none of it. It was that perennial vicious string used by governments, especially of developing nations which is usually using what desperate people like to lure them or their votes. There is no doubt that affordable housing for the masses is one of those immediate needs of most developing countries especially in their modern towns and cities. Indeed the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) government that won the 1979 general election did so on a manifesto that promised delivery of massive affordable houses and agricultural development. The two items formed the features of the party logo. Even as they were leaving office in 1983, putting in place an effective national policy was not achieved not to talk of delivery. The hopes of the masses, as always were dashed. If there were a national policy such as we find in countries like Finland, Indonesia, USA, Malaysia etc. in Nigeria succeeding governments since 1979 NPN government, would have achieved much in that direction, especially if the policy specifically discourages and condemns “abandoned projects by previous governments” syndrome. What this means is that every year’s budget of the Housing Ministry must progressively be delivering affordable houses irrespective of government in power. I do not see much difficulty in making such policy an irrevocable mandate of governments at all levels since its under concurrent list. The incoming government has to complete housing projects commenced by outgoing government to avoid wastages arising from several years of abandoned projects by governments. The necessity of affordable housing for the masses can be appreciated on realizing that inadequacy of affordable housing relative to its demand compel average urban dwellers to spend as much as 45% of their incomes annually on housing. The economic implication is impoverishment of lager percentage of the populace. And inability to save and contribute to economic growth of the nation. It can also be appreciated further when you consider the contribution housing makes to the GDP of countries around the world. For a country whose population grows at about 2.5% per annum, what this means is that in recent years the GDP has been losing huge sums of money which should have been yielding from housing projects annually. The reality, therefore, is that housing is not properly developed and has the capacity to deliver accommodation as well as huge contribution to the GDP. Advocates of social housing have researched the various causes of inadequate housing in Nigeria and found among other things that the Land Use Act 1978 contributed to the government’s inability to deliver affordable housing with speed. The preamble of the Act corroborates this claim: “An Act to vest all land comprised in the territory of each state (except land vested in the Federal Government or its agencies) solely in the Governor of the state, who would hold such land in trust for the people and would henceforth be responsible for allocation of land in all urban areas to individuals resident in the state and to organizations resident in the state and to organizations for residential, agricultural, commercial and other purposes while similar powers with respect to non-urban areas are conferred on Local Governments.” The implication, they say are enormous. The fact that Government can revoke certificate of occupancy by s.28 of the Act and s.51 which defined and expanded the categories of reasons beyond ‘compulsory acquisition for public purposes’ makes acquisition of land for development controversial. What it means is that you own some acres of land; you may go ahead to invest fortunes to provide houses but there is no guarantee to a holder of certificate of occupancy, which is available to your counterpart in Finland or USA who has freehold interest. The provision has always depended on the rationale that it curbs the increasing difficulty in acquiring land for development by individuals, organizations and other public purposes. There seem to be other unresolved questions associated with the Act. If the mischief of the Land Use Act is to facilitate government’s acquisition of land for development and mass housing programme by forestalling private acquisition and hoarding, why do the succeeding governments since 1978 still find it difficult to use the land the way they had intended? What role do estate and property speculators play in the quest for affordable housing: is it better or worse? Land is a factor of production whose value appreciates constantly; and any control of such land that involves loss of use by occupiers attracts huge compensation under s.29 of the Act. Therefore the control which the Act imposed on the use of land cannot be said to have positive impact on provision of houses affordable to the masses. The advanced countries earlier referred to above used the mortgage system to facilitate mass housing delivery specially in urban areas. Most owner occupier buildings in those countries were provided through mortgage system which allows an occupier to pay for the houses in installments for about 25 years or more. This method is what the Federal Mortgage Bank was originally established to achieve but it failed. In its stead is National Housing Fund consisting of contributors funds that provide from N1 - N15 million. Another cause of inadequacy has been attributable to building materials. Nigeria has a history of importation of almost everything even when they can be produced locally. The dependence of imported cement has reduced drastically over the years, since its production became sufficient for local use. But other materials are still not available locally. The demand for increased local contents by manufacturers is one of the ways advocates persuade the government and stakeholders to hasten housing provision. In spite of these obstacles there are rising expectations on the part of the public about government’s housing delivery. Since the appointment of the current land and housing minister some critical structural changes have taken place. The first is the detachment of the ministry from works ministry, which grants independence to the ministry on policy decisions on housing. It would now be clear who makes decisions whether they lead to success or failure. Evidently the fact that during the current minister’s tenure about 15,000 houses had been provided is a pointer that the structural changes are yielding positive results. Another decision that is yielding positive result is the establishment of Satellite Town Development Agency to enhance the speed at which houses are delivered to ease the pressure on scanty provisions in the city of Abuja. The minister should be encouraged to include those whose houses were demolished whether wrongly or otherwise. That is a testimony that the minister is passionate about social housing and should be encouraged and sustained. The concept of social housing was alien to government policy until it was introduced by a former minister, now Governor Olusegun Mimiko of Ondo state. And that brings to mind the housing bill initiated at the senate which has reportedly gone through second reading. What the bill intends to achieve is to say the least laudable. The beneficiaries of the provision, if enacted were defined in terms of income earning scale, even as Federal Mortgage Bank would organize informal sector as cooperatives to participate. It stipulates sanctions for anyone that rents or sublets such houses. Even mortgage banks that flout the law would not be spared. As expected aged and displaced individuals would be given priority in allocation of the houses. The minister reportedly said the newly approved housing program me would erect one million housing units annually across Nigeria. Even as laudable as the programme proposes to be it would be with 17 million housing deficit. In furtherance of social housing policy president Goodluck Jonathan commissioned police estate named after him, at Idimu on 19th July 2013. It was an auspicious occasion for him to announce government’s proposal to establish Mortgage Refinance Institute to be supported by the world bank to the tune of $300, a free interest loan repayable in 40 years with a moratorium of 10 years. The way forward in my view is certainly the fact that succeeding governments should not be allowed to abandon projects. There should be continuity of the present housing policy that encourages specific number of houses annually. How to encourage this must be urgent development of effective public funded mortgage system, perhaps that’s what the president wants to do with the proposed Mortgage Refinance Institute. In addition dormant accounts such as pension funds, insurance deposits etc should be deployed to provide social housing. It is also important to increase financial literacy and intelligence of the public through relevant financial products that encourage home ownership. Lastly foresight should be adopted in the development of future towns and cities so as to envisage adequate housing of the population before they explode and abuse urban fringes.
Iyke Ozemena Corporate Attorney/Consultant, Author:
An essay that offers solution for shortage of housing in developing countries and relevant economic and political issues.

1 DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement
2 MEETINGS: Dynamics and Legality -




One of the most difficult decisions to take is usually about adventure into unknown terrain.  For many people the Internet is still on unknown quality.  It is not only about navigating leisurely but the entire gamut from keyboard operation and manipulation, to the sophisticated world of Website building, digital products and e-commerce.  Virtually everything; every human activities under the sun can be found in the Internet.  Any aspect of learning not found in the Internet is probably not discovered yet.  There is no time bar in the 24 hours of the day to access knowledge in the Internet by anyone anywhere across the globe.  Learning is the only true aristocracy, which is open to all; says Dante".,

Everything that is accessed or enjoyed in general faces the danger of tragedy of the commons.  Because the Internet is open to all you can find all unimaginable contents, which regulators frown at and restrict.  For those who use or intend to use the Internet as e-commerce platform or related business promotion the Internet is a gold mine that holds fortune for some and misery for others.  You have to be conscious that the same principles and rules that apply in life and businesses obtain even online.  Preparation is key to all opportunities available.  One of such preparations is the information contained in this report, more of which are available in;

Some of the tools needed to embark on the Internet journey are basic.  You need a laptop desktop, tablet or ipad; or just access to the Internet through the cyber café.  A smart phone cannot be a substitute but a compliment.  MP3 and ipad are some of the tools that come handy when you have a lot of theoretical information and displays to undertake.  In the stead of that many use digital cameras if you can afford it to upload video and pictures of businesses and products.  It is now fashionable to link your online/offline businesses to;

Apart from these physical tools, which are not exhaustive, you need payment tools provided by service providers such as pay pal, wallet, and mobile-money accounts.  Payment service providers are not limited to conventional banking systems and credit cards.  The nature of your business; off or online would determine your choice of payment system/services.  These services and more are available in the Americas and Europe.  However in some developing countries in Asia such as India, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Hong Kong, China etc are beginning to provide these services almost to the same level with USA and Europe.  But in most African countries many social, online and off-line entrepreneurs do not have access to these payment systems/services.  The challenge then becomes how to device an appropriate payment service that suits the peculiar needs of each Just recently, June 3014 PayPal extended its services to 10 African countries.

In all of these self-discipline and determination are bound to be very rewarding because without them it is quite tempting to derail and loose focus.  The reason is that the social media is tempting and luring such that your time could be wasted as much as the sum invested.  With disciple you can turn the attraction of the social media to the advantage of your business, products and direction.  Face book/ and linked-in etc are the wheels that give your business propositions speed.  How you use them may boost Internet presence, dominance and business opportunities – reach;

Internet business involves a lot of reading whether you are a business entrepreneur or social media savvy.  Those who engage in publishing just as I do then you need to assess the multiplicity of gadgets that would assist you achiever your goal.  A web cam would not be out of place.  You need this for communication with persons in distant places.  The other device you need is kindle.  This item makes reading digital products like e-books and graphs easy and comfortable.  Sometime you have to set or adjust it to your convenience.  You need kindle apparatus to do this by clicking save on the @kindle, COM email address.

Those who have Amazon c/c can set appropriately through “Manage Your content and Devices” page, then click on settings tab, and scroll down to “Approved personal Document Email list”.  Then click “Add a new approved email address,” enters the email address.  The reason for this process is that Amazon regards Publications by individuals as personal documents and disallows them unless this process is completed.
Iyke Ozemena Attorney Corporate Consultant Author:
1 DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement - analyzed the statutory provisions and ethical responsibilities of corporate citizens.
2 MEETINGS: Dynamics and Legality