Press Release on "HOW TO PUBLISH E-BOOKS" To start you should form the habit of keeping records of useful information you come across for retrieval and use later when the opportunity comes. I must add that I read instructions and experiences of successful authors and I had to write some for advice. <P>
Thereafter I wrote these ebooks now selling at ama\on: COMPANY SECRETARIES HANDBOOK
1 DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement - analyzed the statutory provisions and ethical responsibilities of corporate citizens.
2 MEETINGS: Dynamics and Legality -
Meetings: Dynamics & Legality is a concise procedure of meetings written lucid narratives for everyone who needs the understanding of Meetings. Descriptions are quite vivid and illustrations are practical for average readers perception. It is quick reference book for Attorneys, Company Secretaries, Heads of departments of corporate institution who are quite often saddle with meetings, as well as law students and administrators. Statutes from various jurisdiction were employed but the main principles applicable to meetings remain the rallying point.
3 DEAWORKSHOP MANUAL: ENTREPRENEURS is an abridged lecture delivered at the workshop for entrepreneurs, youth empowerment workshop and for unemployed, job-seeking or improvement-seeking individuals. A wealth of resources for corporate consultants, intellectual guide for researchers, business community and students.
4 GUIDE TO FINANCIAL SECURITY (Kindle Edition) Guide to Financial Security is a precise book containing valuable resources about small businesses you can start. it is also a reference book of business ideas and relevant information for entrepreneurs, researchers, businessmen and students. A comprehensive plan is produced in nutshell. There are some advices on financial prudence and saving culture essential for security and prosperity.
The facts and data are verifiable and saves time wasted on the web for relevant business data that is one of the reasons I recommend the book.
The 13th President is the biography of President Umaru Musa Yar'adua
Nigeria's head of state from May 2007 to May 2010. The book includes
biographies of his elder brother and father who mentored them. You find
comments about the entire Yar'adua rich family and their roles in the
nations political, military and business arena. The author used
narrative style to relay the melodrama in the complex struggle to lift
the nation. An ambition shared by majority of Nigerians and Africa but
came anti-climax as he mowed down by ill-health that nearly cause
political crisis. It is a story that has a lot of legal, constitutional
and novel political manoeuvrings.
6: DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement (Kindle Edition) DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement is a book on the statutory duties of directors of corporate institutions globally and their enforcement. The conflict between management and shareholders were analysed into its constituent elements with EU,US and Nigerian decided cases. Common law sanctionable breaches and remedies were discussed with illustrations. There are comments on shareholders interests and protection of minorities. It is written with law students, teachers, investors and business people across the world in mind.
7 Science of Getting Rich: Attracting Financial Success Through Creat... THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH is Wallace Wattle's best research on the ancient value system that emphasise on creative ideas that would expand both the intellectual horizon of man and resources in a manner that is devoid of negative competition.
It contains the ideas of 'In Search of Excellence' as well as Napoleon Hill's 'Think and Grow Rich'. It a manual for any business student, researcher or entrepreneur wishing to achieve financial freedom and success.
The questions he posed in the book are pertinent. Indeed what would life be without financial ability to create comfort around you and your environment?
I found it extremely useful for entrepreneurship training workshop and that's why I recommend the book
This book explored the diverse roles of company secretaries. Starting from training and qualifications, it went further to the detailed activities of the office to the boardroom. Record-keeping duties are properly discussed with relevant statutes and case laws that illustrate vividly the analysis. Brokers and shareholders would find a lot Stock Exchange information relevant to them. Meetings of private and public companies were all discussed in detail such that students would grasp salient points with ease. COMPANY SECRETARIES' HANDBOOK
Press Release on "HOW TO PUBLISH E-BOOKS" To start you should form the habit of keeping records of useful information you come across for retrieval and use later when the opportunity comes. I must add that I read instructions and experiences of successful authors and I had to write some for advice. <P>
Thereafter I wrote these ebooks now selling at ama\on: LAND LAW IN NIGERIA COMPANY SECRETARIES HANDBOOK
1 DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement - analyzed the statutory provisions and ethical responsibilities of corporate citizens.
2 MEETINGS: Dynamics and Legality -
Meetings: Dynamics & Legality is a concise procedure of meetings written lucid narratives for everyone who needs the understanding of Meetings. Descriptions are quite vivid and illustrations are practical for average readers perception. It is quick reference book for Attorneys, Company Secretaries, Heads of departments of corporate institution who are quite often saddle with meetings, as well as law students and administrators. Statutes from various jurisdiction were employed but the main principles applicable to meetings remain the rallying point.
3 DEAWORKSHOP MANUAL: ENTREPRENEURS is an abridged lecture delivered at the workshop for entrepreneurs, youth empowerment workshop and for unemployed, job-seeking or improvement-seeking individuals. A wealth of resources for corporate consultants, intellectual guide for researchers, business community and students.
4 GUIDE TO FINANCIAL SECURITY (Kindle Edition) Guide to Financial Security is a precise book containing valuable resources about small businesses you can start. it is also a reference book of business ideas and relevant information for entrepreneurs, researchers, businessmen and students. A comprehensive plan is produced in nutshell. There are some advices on financial prudence and saving culture essential for security and prosperity.
The facts and data are verifiable and saves time wasted on the web for relevant business data that is one of the reasons I recommend the book.
6: DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement (Kindle Edition) DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement is a book on the statutory duties of directors of corporate institutions globally and their enforcement. The conflict between management and shareholders were analysed into its constituent elements with EU,US and Nigerian decided cases. Common law sanctionable breaches and remedies were discussed with illustrations. There are comments on shareholders interests and protection of minorities. It is written with law students, teachers, investors and business people across the world in mind.
7 Science of Getting Rich: Attracting Financial Success Through Creat... THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH is Wallace Wattle's best research on the ancient value system that emphasise on creative ideas that would expand both the intellectual horizon of man and resources in a manner that is devoid of negative competition.
It contains the ideas of 'In Search of Excellence' as well as Napoleon Hill's 'Think and Grow Rich'. It a manual for any business student, researcher or entrepreneur wishing to achieve financial freedom and success.
The questions he posed in the book are pertinent. Indeed what would life be without financial ability to create comfort around you and your environment?
I found it extremely useful for entrepreneurship training workshop and that's why I recommend the book
This book explored the diverse roles of company secretaries. Starting from training and qualifications, it went further to the detailed activities of the office to the boardroom. Record-keeping duties are properly discussed with relevant statutes and case laws that illustrate vividly the analysis. Brokers and shareholders would find a lot Stock Exchange information relevant to them. Meetings of private and public companies were all discussed in detail such that students would grasp salient points with ease. COMPANY SECRETARIES' HANDBOOK
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