Friday, August 22, 2014


CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Every modern CEO, directors and indeed leaders not only perform their traditional and statutory duties, they are also required to be abreast of social developments and and challenges they pose to businesses, environment and global economy.
Recycling was strange word in the vocabulary of corporate managers until towards the end of 20th century. The phenomenon caught the attention of economist researching optimal and efficient utilization of resources. Recycling of products, materials and wastes became knowledge-based industry that brought about waste reduction and re-use of materials. It brought local revenue,savings and job creation reported to be ten times more than that coming from land-filling and incineration. Recycling of wastes otherwise known as ‘waste to wealth’ is a source of energy especially for non-urban dwellers.
Renewable energy is a recent concept that was the off-shoot of fluctuating crude oil prices at the global market and how it impacted the global economy. Governments of OPEC nations resolved to control production level in order to counter the tendency of industrialized, oil-consuming countries to dictate price of oil. The alternative source of energy, electricity also consume other source of energy to generate distributable quantum of electricity. In competition between these major sources, solar energy became the third source. Research has shown that it is the most environmentally-friendly source; followed by wind pipe energy. In order to make progress the existing laws establishing the present sources and their modes of operation have to give way for new legal structure.
Living green has become synonymous with sources of power that enhance environmental friendly atmosphere
and ecosystem. Any source of energy that reduces the use of fossil like inverta, wind and solar are said to
promote a sustainable life style.
There are now in operation a number of Solar Energy Rechargeable kiosks in Rwanda invented by students of
Imperial College London. That has become a new energy culture in town. Technology led to these changes. It is
still transforming industries, peoples and their lifestyles. Offices have since been automated; appliances,
equipments and instruments digitalized. Almost everything is now done at a higher speed of technology.
Studies have shown that sustainable development cannot take place without the integration of technology.
Technology is seen as a neutral phenomenon which can be used to foster good oir bad. However, technology is
the major mieasure of social progress. We are aware that the market has become the arbiter of technological
success or failure since resources and costs are determined by the market. Therefore the pace of technological
development and their results would be dictated by the market.
As young persons, up-coming leaders and directors you need to cultivate acute sense of corporate social
responsibility of institutions you serve or represent. Such businesses are now classified as ‘environmentally
aware’. Don’t be on the side of ignorance for it may cost you and your institution a fortune.
Some corporate institutions have introduced "environment education" into their mission statement. Fujitsu
group has an environmental concept called "Green Policy 21" which they claim is a declaration of intent to
entrench the idea of "manufacturing in harmony with nature". They claim that they have secured the
cooperation of their employees to "make every activity green".
On a global level environment education has taken a deeper dimension when the root causes of environmental
degradation were investigated. Apart from lack of economic development in the third world due to illiterate
population, the people were raved by diseases associated with poverty, rural life and under-development.
Notorious among them are malaria, AIDS, guinea worm, infant mortality and sycle-cell anemia.
These woes associated with third world were to become palpable burden to the world economy for obvious
reasons. The population of third world is huge because of unscientific reproduction. The percentage of the
population who get education is negligible. Whereas advanced economies have largely educated and
scientifically managed population. These attributes and the differences were to reflect capacity and determine
their various standards of living as well as their per capita income. The differences meant that the advanced
countries were responsible for increased industrial output with third world, usually undeveloped accounting for
raw materials that contributed meager returns as income.
It was in this vein that industrialized countries were accused of polluting global environment to the point of
depleted ozone layer.
This concern led to ‘Agenda 21’ that brought world leaders together in a conference held in 1992 in Rio de
Jenairo. The conference was the first attempt at compilation of factors inhibiting world economic growth and
development. The factors identified to promote growth and address environmental pollution were:
1. Poverty Eradication
2. UBE
3. Gender Equality
4. Child Mortality Reduction
5. Maternal Health
6. AID/Malaria Eradication
7. Environmental pollution Reduction
8. Global partnership for Development.
Ten years after Rio de Jenairo, the world met again in 2002 at Pretoria, South Africa to assess the journey so far
from 1992. There were disagreements in Pretoria as to the progress made. However, they agreed that some
steps have been taken but they resolved tht the pace of achieving success should be timed. Therefore year
2015 was agreed to be time for implementation of those laudable objectives.
In December 2009 the world met in Copenhagen to take a firm stand on the way forward to arrest global
warming and climate change; and to resolve to support Kyoto protocol but could not take any resolution.
These are the least the leadership of corporate institutions should know about the environment they operate in,
in order to display corporate social responsibility of companies to their environment. The responsibility is
statutory; not only does it determine a company’s relationship with its customers and immediate community, it
underscores the company’s effort at good corporate governance.
A number of companies have been acknowledged to establish and operate environmentally-friendly practices.
Among them are Chevron, HP, US Energy, Friends of the Earth, American Balanced Energy, BP, GE, Human
Energy, American power and Green Peace considered to be the front-runners of green environment.

Iyke Ozemena's ebooks at  He is also the author of these books:
Land Law of Nigeria:
Meetings: Dynamics & Legality:
Leadership Foundation Skill:
Company Secretaries’ Handbook:
Directors: Duties & Enforcement:
Directors: Qualification, Appointment, Proceedings & Removal:
Ideaworkshop Manual:
Guide to Financial Security:

energy, world, corporate, global, environment, source, third, third world, source energy, social, market, environmental, progress, institutions, order, materials, responsibility, corporate social responsibility, environment education, corporate institutions,



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