The shabby treatment of Immigrant workers in Qatar has drawn world's attention. These guys offered their services to prepare qatarworldcup2022 and were not adequately rewarded. Some of them skilled, others not but the shame's uncalled for.
This is coming after 'Future of Jobs Report, World Economic Forum' that about 50% of all employees will need reskiling by 2025, as the adoption of technology increases.
Quite pathetic you may say. Keep emotions out. See, it's either you reskill and be abreast with technology, or wither away or be treated shabbily.
Get this shocking fact straight. In the next Mundiale these unskilled workers would have no chance or services to offer. Reason: technology would have decimated the number of human contribution needed.
So lots of teaching to erase Tech-knowledge deficit. That brings to fore teaching jobs needed and that's why today, 5th October every year is celebrated as World's Teachers Day. Don't miss the opportunity to join our teaching group on this platform.
You can access digital skills acquisition training at IDEA WORKSHOP where we teach various niches that suits you, available to earn steady income in today's digital economy.
✓DECISION ... *Copywriting
✓TRAINING ..... *Publishing
✓SOLUTION *Blogging
If you missed our 4th October, 2022 batch, please stay tuned for our next announcement of the next batch.
Your progress.
BLOGGER:. https://www.corporate leadersboard.blogspot.com
COLUMNIST: https://www.thenigerianvoice.com/author/iykeOzemena
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