Sunday, October 8, 2023


Artificial Intelligence AI is the trending

 technological innovation that has been

received with  mixed feelings,  worries,

fears, anxiety and apprehension are just

 few ways  to describe how people respond

 to AI.


Emotion is at the centre of it; whether it’s

 based on loss of control, uncertainties,  

values, jobs or privacy concerns.


Are you scarred that AI is becoming the

 21st century digital giant that’s becoming

difficult to tame? Well you’re not alone. 

Few clues as to where we’re in the radar, if

you stick around.


AI is a technological innovation that was

 created by human intelligence which

 could become disastrous because of

 human frailties.


History is replete with numerous cases of

 failed expectations of human intelligence,

even at the peak of it.  Think about the

largest ship, Titanic, submersible sub-

marine, aeroplanes, clones etc none of

 them has proved error-free.



Have you felt upset, agitated or confused

when you hear ChatGPT, machine

 learning, Algorithm, Big  Data computer

vision and how viral they’d gone?


Of course some people see the tech

innovations as a battle of values:

replication of superlative order of things

 in terms of speed, efficiency and quality.

 This battle preceded the discovery of DNA

 and robots.


Do you feel concerned about what the

apparent free-for-all use of AI may have

on our environments with the absence of

ethical guidelines?  Your guess is as good

as mine.

Sometimes you wonder what the thinking

of global and #corporateleaders, sovereign

states, private sector and individuals are?

Totally overwhelmed perhaps?


On the contrary, there seem to be a 

reassuring posture from global leaders,

UNO, UNESCO, WIPO, corporate

conglomerates etc that AI is a digital

companion to be adopted.


Have you wondered what the mission of

AI is all about apart from capitalist end?  

It’s unlikely that apprehensions, fears by

individuals or groups can stop the

crescendo of AI trajectory.


Here’s why.  A recent survey conducted by

concerned experts revealed among other

things that more than 80% of all

respondents agree that for researches and

routine tasks AI is safe.


The second finding of the survey is that

62% of respondents believe that effective

use of generative AI will separate

successful law firms from unsuccessful

firms within the next xt five year


Put all these together and think of how to

 navigate, for numerous people I bet

nothing can be more intimidating and



And the most critical aspect?

Where to start.


Have you got opinions, clues and counter perspectives?  More of these are expected.


Ikechukwu Odoemelam Esq is the lead Attorney at the Law Firm of


Legal Practitioners/Consultants

#corporateleaders #ai #iplaw #digital #economy #mrketing

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