Showing posts with label global. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global. Show all posts

Sunday, October 8, 2023


Artificial Intelligence AI is the trending

 technological innovation that has been

received with  mixed feelings,  worries,

fears, anxiety and apprehension are just

 few ways  to describe how people respond

 to AI.


Emotion is at the centre of it; whether it’s

 based on loss of control, uncertainties,  

values, jobs or privacy concerns.


Are you scarred that AI is becoming the

 21st century digital giant that’s becoming

difficult to tame? Well you’re not alone. 

Few clues as to where we’re in the radar, if

you stick around.


AI is a technological innovation that was

 created by human intelligence which

 could become disastrous because of

 human frailties.


History is replete with numerous cases of

 failed expectations of human intelligence,

even at the peak of it.  Think about the

largest ship, Titanic, submersible sub-

marine, aeroplanes, clones etc none of

 them has proved error-free.



Have you felt upset, agitated or confused

when you hear ChatGPT, machine

 learning, Algorithm, Big  Data computer

vision and how viral they’d gone?


Of course some people see the tech

innovations as a battle of values:

replication of superlative order of things

 in terms of speed, efficiency and quality.

 This battle preceded the discovery of DNA

 and robots.


Do you feel concerned about what the

apparent free-for-all use of AI may have

on our environments with the absence of

ethical guidelines?  Your guess is as good

as mine.

Sometimes you wonder what the thinking

of global and #corporateleaders, sovereign

states, private sector and individuals are?

Totally overwhelmed perhaps?


On the contrary, there seem to be a 

reassuring posture from global leaders,

UNO, UNESCO, WIPO, corporate

conglomerates etc that AI is a digital

companion to be adopted.


Have you wondered what the mission of

AI is all about apart from capitalist end?  

It’s unlikely that apprehensions, fears by

individuals or groups can stop the

crescendo of AI trajectory.


Here’s why.  A recent survey conducted by

concerned experts revealed among other

things that more than 80% of all

respondents agree that for researches and

routine tasks AI is safe.


The second finding of the survey is that

62% of respondents believe that effective

use of generative AI will separate

successful law firms from unsuccessful

firms within the next xt five year


Put all these together and think of how to

 navigate, for numerous people I bet

nothing can be more intimidating and



And the most critical aspect?

Where to start.


Have you got opinions, clues and counter perspectives?  More of these are expected.


Ikechukwu Odoemelam Esq is the lead Attorney at the Law Firm of


Legal Practitioners/Consultants

#corporateleaders #ai #iplaw #digital #economy #mrketing

Friday, November 18, 2022


This episode was half way when I was struck by sudden ill-health... now recovering at God's speed.

Right and wrong decisions are based on resources and information at your disposal, right?

What if you garner vital resources from messages and digital gifts we serve on this platform, and suddenly it becomes extinct.  Wouldn't that affect your decisions? Maybe.

We thank  you for the loads of 'likes'. However, your feedback about the quality and social value of our messages is ABSOLUTELY important to us.  

We'd be delighted to receive your comments: approve or not approve whichever is welcome.

Over the last couple of days energy crisis in Europe has worsened due to the escalated war in Ukraine. 

As was expected, the economic impact multiplied globally giving rise to high cost of living and hunger in Africa and especially Nigeria, as a result of food shortages. 

Clips from the 2022 G20 meeting in Indonesia, paints a picture of imminent catostrophy across the world, unless stringent actions are taken urgently.

Leaders of the group prescribed: "recover together, recover stronger" as a global solution.

But how could that happen as situations worsen. Rather than recovering:

Nigeria's inflation rate has been on steady increase too, since 2020 according to the report of National Bureau of Statistics.

Nigeria has become world capital of poverty, a position prior held by India. Now, 133 million Nigerians are in the bracket of "Multi-dimensional Poor."

Mortgages and share prices are crumbling to level of its comparison with 2008 global economic melt-down.

Education sector is crumbling with no solution in sight. It is so scary that the Education Committee of  UN at the last UNGA77 raised alarm with a call to action.  

"A silent learning crisis is unfolding that has become devastating shock to human capital. ... We urge you the world leaders, to meet this head-on and act to improve learning outcomes for the world".

Our mission on this platform is to propound ideas that provide solutions and move our projects to the next level.

What's your take and approach to excel?


is a Report to guide you to become an owner occupier from 2023 rather than remain/live as tenant for life.

We invite everyone passionate about innovations and prosperous ideas to quickly join our group to get the report. 

Or DM us indicating interest to receive the report.

With gratitude.

Monday, November 7, 2022


Every part of the globe is complaining of a common 

ailment - currency crumbling. Of course we'll spot the

ailment as economics.

A subject that affects everyone. Lots of arguments as to 

solutions  That also involves almost everyone offering 

free. opinions.

From elementary economics we know the roles of CBNs, 

that it includes monetarism and demand management. 

Rising inflation has spread and become palpably present 

in the global economy. Consequently most nation's CBs 

reacted similarly by raising rates. Rates influence cost of 

borrowing  and that way passed on to the consumers.

It was miscalculation arising from inflation that led to the 

fall of Liz Traus' UK government formed on the basis of 

substantial tax cuts.

Bank of England's response was unprecedented raise of 

interest rate that threw the economy out of balance.

On Friday 28/10/2022 USA Federal Reserve raised rates 

by 75 basis points, the highest it's been since 2008.

Sequel to that, an extraordinary meeting was held in 

Washington, November 2, 2022. In attendance were the 

Federal Reserve, Comptroller of currency, IMF, World 

Bank and Governors of Central Banks of African 


The issue agreed upon was US monetary policy that from 

31st January, 2023 only recent $ currency from 2021 will 

be in circulation and acceptable. The implication is that 

currencies bearing earlier printing dates would become 


You see the cloud of economic uncertainties surrounding 

us? Just as stated above, everyone everywhere is

 involved as global economic crisis looms.

Any remedy in sight? Not in the nearest future. But to be 

aware of developments and maneuvers IDEA WORKSHOP

has step-by-step guide as to how not to fall victim.

The report will be valuable asset for your entire business 

and social life through the year and armed to enter 2023.

DM for interest to receive the report.

Your success.