Friday, August 22, 2014


Corporate Leaders,
The most important message for this New Year is the wish of great success & prosperity. As 2012 rolled behind us we should be reviewing our goal charts and critically analyzing the scores on every aspect. However gloomy or painful the outcome of our reviews may be, as corporate leaders we have to acknowledge that perfection in any endeavor is far from achievable but we can always aspire to do so. Last year still had symptoms of 2008 financial crisis across the globe; and there is no gain-saying that there were signs of recovery,. The expected speed of recovery is still attracting divergent views. The US economy, leading other global arena: China, Europe and Asia had very encouraging performance indicators that showed signs of increase in the new year. The long tax debate that dominated US election came to a compromise that some consider a half-way house. Automobile industry had few set-backs such as recall of thousands of Toyota products. But its German counterpart Porsche manufacturers led them all in annual performance, giving credit to its corporate leaders. The out-going year was election year for Ghana, Venezuala, France, Japan, South Korea etc which means change of government and policies; invariably these changes challenge and affect corporate decisions and their makers. The economy and industry decisions are dominantly corporate leaders activities and that places enormous burden on members. Some mismanagement in the corporate arena which cannot be wished away quickly, starting from the collapse of the US mortgage system in 2008, AIG and Lehman to the Barclays bank crisis. British Petroleum was fined for Mexican gulf oil spill in 2010 and was indicted again in 2012. These corporate mishaps should be avoided in 2013 and that would save billions of dollars. Google escaped sanction after investigations although its presence in some Asian countries like China, Russia continued to receive bashing. We expect corporate leaders in those jurisdiction to appreciate the potentials of ICT and social media in the 21st century economy. It was multiple action in electronic and telecom industry where giants like Apple, Nokia, Samsung etc locked horns in civil litigation over copyright, patent and trade jurisdictional issues. We wish corporate leaders in this industry to come forth with more precise and accurate legal drafting. The huge sums paid in the process of litigation and awards were quite mind-bugling, but the price of corporate ineptitude.
Thank You
1. DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement
2. MEETINGS: Dynamics and Legality -
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