Friday, August 22, 2014


REMOVAL OF COMPANY DIRECTORS  Iyke Ozemena  Attorney, Corporate Consultant,Author:  Appointment of a person as director for life is allowed by s.255 Companies Act provided that he is removable under s.262 which prescribes the procedure for the removal of directors.  But if a director claims to be appointed for an indefinite period such appointment must be clear and definite according to the decision in ODULANA V. GLIBE FISHING IND. LTD FHC/L/55/60.  The protection of s.260 does not apply to a director who has actual knowledge of the defect at the time he acted.  The case which supported this principle is ONWUKA V. TAYMANI (1965) L.L.R. 62, POOL HOUSE GROUP V. A.C.B. LTD (1969) NLR 347.  To remove a director of a company requires an elaborate procedure.  If the removal comes before the expiration of his period of office, then an ordinary resolution would be sufficient.  However, every resolution that purports to remove a director requires a special notice given to all members entitled to attend the meeting in which the proposed resolution is to be passed.  When the company receive a notice to the effect that a director was proposed to be removed, it shall send a copy of the proposed resolution to the director concerned to enable him/her have knowledge of the proposed removal.  This is in line with the principle of audi alteram patem, otherwise known as the principle of fair hearing.  The director concerned is required  to make his representation in writing.  In the special notice sent to members about the proposed removal of a director, further information shall be added to the effect that representation has been made by the director, provided the director holds no objection to that.  Copies of such written representation shall be sent to those members who have been sent to those members who have been sent notices.  But if for circumstances on the part of the company there is a delay in sending the representations to members or none  was sent at all, the director may be allowed to give an oral representation, or if a copy of his written representation is available could be read at the meeting to the hearing of all members.  The privilege to read the representation at the meeting shall not be abused by making unnecessary publicity or defamatory statements.  An ordinary resolution is passed by a simple majority voting in favor of the proposal.  Once this is properly carried, from then onwards the concerned director would be deemed to have been removed in accordance with the provisions of s.262.  The simplicity of this provision is said to check the managing powers of the directors against shareholders to ensure the latter's ultimate control.  Care must be taken to ensure that the removal of any director is legally conducted.  The resolution for such removal must comply with the provisions of the Act otherwise such removal would be void and of no effect and therefore be set aside.  This was confirmed in AWOYEMI V. SOLOMON (1976) FRCR 165. But the unlawful removal could be rectified to give effect to the resolution. A.R.E.C. LTD AMAYE (1986) NWLR 653.  Although directors are not employees and should not be treated as such, if there is a successful removal/termination of director's appointment he/she is entitled to damages in accordance with s.262(6). Also ODULANA V. GLOBE FISHING IND. LTD.  However, in the case of a Managing Director whose appointment is ultra vires the company, he/she should be remunerated on the basis of quantum meriut after the appointment has been finally avoided. The position found support in the case of CRAVEN ELLIS V. CANONS LTD (1936) 2 K.B. 403 C.A.    <P>  Iyke Ozemena    Attorney, Corporate Consultant, Author:  DIRECTORS: Duties & Enforcement |    <P>  GUIDE TO FINAN$IAL $ECURITY |    <P>  IDEAWORKSHOP MANUAL: ENTREPRENEURS |    <P>                               <P>      <P>    <P>
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